~ “I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy.” — Fei-Fei Li,
Do you need to have mastery over all domains to solve ML problems ? Well , it cannot be denied that having a command over it gives us an edge but not every one has the time and resources to get to that level.
As I mentioned time is very critical. Even if you are a seasoned data scientist and a domain expert , still trying various models , performing feature engineering , tweaking hyper parameters and comparing them to find best model would be time consuming.
At last , who does not want to accelerate time to production-readiness of machine learning model in this era of super competitive business?
If I have not sold you yet on why should we go for automated machine learning , lets try again.
Why Automated ML?
Not a programmer ? No worries , still can create models.
Helps choose the best model , without iterative trial and error method
Can solve almost any modeling problem(like classification , regression , time series forecasting..)
Takes off the heavy lifting like data cleaning , feature engineering , data preprocessing, feature scaling etc.